QuoTe — An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications

QuoTe — An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications


Telemedicine applications provide many opportunities for improving health care in a variety of conditions, in particular for people living in remote or geographically isolated areas without fast access to doctors (“medical deserts”), such as some parts of Finland. In many applications, the technologies used are actually off-the shelf solutions for videoconferencing, in some cases even used in an Over The Top (OTT) fashion over best-effort networks. In these contexts, the quality (both Quality of Experience and Quality of Service) of the whole system can have a greater significance than in other contexts such as entertainment, yet there are no quality monitoring and assessment systems specifically conceived for this purpose. In this paper we present an on-going effort to develop an extensible quality monitoring and benchmarking platform designed with video-based telemedicine applications, and the particular issues associated with them, in mind.

In proceedings of SSH 2014: IEEE International Workshop on Service Science for eHealth, Natal, Brazil.